Here is the list of your recommended resources based on your responses to the quiz. If you are new to exercise or haven’t exercised in a while, you may benefit from exercising with a professional to begin with. A physiotherapist or exercise physiologist will assess you and recommend exercises appropriate for you.
The resources have been colour-coded to help you find information that relates to where you are on your fitness journey.
- Exercise programs for when you’re ready to start your fitness journey or want to maintain or enhance your current exercise routine.
- Education resources and lifestyle-based programs that will provide you with the information and tools to help you get moving.
- General information on exercise and arthritis. These resources can help you better understand your condition and the benefits of exercise to help you manage it.
Adult pre-exercise screening system (APSS)
This screening tool is used to identify people at risk of an adverse event due to exercise. You can take this form to your doctor to assess your risk.
Arthritis & Osteoporosis TAS
Visit the State and Territory website to find out more information on programs and services in your local area.
Arthritis & Osteoporosis Western Australia
Arthritis & Osteoporosis Western Australia (AOWA) has a range of exercise programs to suit different fitness and capability levels, including classes for kids with JIA.
Arthritis & Osteoporosis WA
Visit the State and Territory website to find out more information on programs and services in your local area.
Arthritis ACT
Visit the State and Territory website to find out more information on programs and services in your local area.
Arthritis ACT exercise classes
Arthritis ACT run a range of exercise programs for people with arthritis living in the ACT.
Arthritis ACT: Small Exercise Physiology
This small group exercise class run by Arthritis ACT is designed to help you achieve your individual health and fitness goals.
Arthritis KEYS Program
The Arthritis KEYS Program is a course for people living in WA to help you manage your arthritis effectively.
Arthritis NSW
Visit the State and Territory website to find out more information on programs and services in your local area.
Arthritis NSW exercise classes
Arthritis NSW offers a range of exercise classes tailored to the needs of people living with arthritis.
Arthritis NT
Visit the State and Territory website to find out more information on programs and services in your local area.
Arthritis QLD
Visit the State and Territory website to find out more information on programs and services in your local area.
Arthritis QLD: Arthritis Moves
Arthritis Moves is a virtual group exercise program run by Arthritis QLD. To help people living with arthritis increase their physical activity.
Arthritis QLD: Dance Moves
Arthritis QLD have partnered with QLD ballet to deliver Dance Moves. An online group dance program.
Arthritis SA
Visit the State and Territory website to find out more information on programs and services in your local area.
Back in Action, Again
Back in Action, Again is a collection of online videos of different exercises suitable for axial spondyloarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
Back to Action
Back to Action is an online exercise program designed for people with axial spondyloarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
Better Knee, Better Me
Better Knee, Better Me is for eligible Medibank members with knee OA to help reduce its impact on your quality of life.
Escape-pain is a free mobile app containing exercise videos with clear instructions to easily follow along at home.
Exercise and RA
This fact sheet provides information about exercise for rheumatoid arthritis.
Exercise for Healthy Joints
Versus Arthritis has developed Exercise for Healthy Joints. A Set of arthritis safe exercises for different parts of the body.
Exercise for Persistent Pain
This ebook is for people who are experiencing persisting pain. It provides education on how the body processes pain and practical advice to help you get moving.
Exercising safely and sustainably in the community
Not all people will want or need to exercise under the supervision of a professional long-term.
Fit for Life
If you are over 50 and live in the Northern Territory, Fit for Life offers a range of health, fitness and well-being classes suitable for arthritis.
Flare management plan
Use this action plan to discuss and plan the best way to manage of flares with your rheumatology team.
Get Moving! Exercise Series
Get Moving! Is an exercise series by Arthritis NSW that cater for different levels of fitness. The exercises are recorded for you to easily follow at home.
Get Moving! PLUS Exercise Series
Get Moving! PLUS builds on the Get Moving! Exercise Series to focus on improving the mobility and strength of the joints and muscles.
GLA:D is an evidence-based education and exercise program for people with hip and knee OA. Classes are offered throughout Australia.
Have you got knee pain?
Watch this video on knee pain for OA to help understand your diagnosis.
Healthy Weight for Life
Healthy weight for life is an OA management program for eligible members of participating health funds to help reduce joint pain, improve mobility and strengthen muscles.
How to get the most out of your sessions with an exercise professional
Find out about how you can get the most out of sessions with an exercise professional.
How to Make Exercising with Arthritis a whole lot easier
This Creakyjoints article discusses why staying active is important for managing arthritis joint pain and inflammation.
Hydrotherapy for arthritis SA
Arthritis SA offers a range of hydrotherapy programs for arthritis. Hydrotherapy can help your arthritis by easing joint pain and improving movement.
Lifestyle factors
A discussion on the link between your physical health and mental wellbeing.
Living a healthy lifestyle
Watch this video on why staying active is key to living a healthy lifestyle.
MSK Kids
Visit Musculoskeletal Australia’s MSK Kids website to find out information & resources on juvenile arthritis.
My AS My Life
My AS My Life is an online video library consisting of exercise and educational videos for people with axial spondylitis and ankylosing spondylitis.
My Exercise Messages
My Exercise Messages is a free app, designed to support people with OA stick to regular exercise.
My Joint Pain
My Joint Pain is a website for people living with OA to help you live a more active and pain-free life.
My Joint Yoga
My Joint Yoga is an online exercise program that has been developed by researchers, yoga therapists, physiotherapists and people living with osteoarthritis.
My Knee Exercise
My Knee Exercise is an online program to help people with knee pain & knee OA manage their symptoms.
MyAS is a website to help people with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) understand their condition, how to manage it, and where to access support.
MyPsA is website designed to help people with psoriatic arthritis better understand how to manage it, where to access support and help you live a better life.
MyRA is a website designed for people with RA to become more active participants in their journey with RA.
Myth busting
Read some common myths and barriers to exercise and ways to help overcome them.
Osteoarthritis educational videos on exercise.
Watch a collection of short educational videos on OA including the benefits of physical activity for OA.
painTRAINER is an interactive, online program that teaches you effective strategies to manage your pain.
Proper exercise program
Find out more about how a well-considered exercise program can make a difference
RA & physical activity
Take this free online e-learning course to find out more about the benefits of physical activity for rheumatoid arthritis and ways you can be more active.
Reboot Your Life: Living well with Arthritis SA
Reboot Your Life is a lifestyle-based program run by Arthritis SA. The program will help improve your knowledge of arthritis and how physical activity can help manage it.
Rethinking what it means to Exercise with AS
Read how a personal trainer adapted his fitness regime to help manage his ankylosing spondylitis in this Creakyjoints article.
Safe Exercises at Home
Safe Exercises at Home is an online video library and booklet to help older people stay active, live independently and reduce their risk of falls
Safe exercises to do during an arthritis flare
Find out about what exercises are safe during an arthritis flare.
Smoother Movers Strength Training Program TAS.
The Smoother Movers strength training program is run by Arthritis Tasmania. Strength training can decrease pain, increase mobility, and improve your overall fitness.
Smoother Movers Warm Water Exercise TAS.
The Smooth Movers warm water exercise classes is run by Arthritis Tasmania. Warm water exercise can help ease stiff joints and relax sore muscles, while improving your coordination and endurance.
Strength for Life
Strength for Life is an exercise program, designed for older South Australians to keep active and maintain their physical and mental wellbeing.
Stretches For Your Daily Life
Stretches For Your Daily Life is an online video library of stretches for people with axial spondyloarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
Taking Control of Your Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis
Taking Control of Your Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis is a short course to improve understanding of OA and lifestyle strategies to help manage it.
Taking the first step booklet
Taking the first step contains information, tips and practical strategies to help you gain confidence to help you start safely moving more.
The physiotherapists’ role
Learn more about the role of a physiotherapist as a key member of your support team.
Tips for starting an exercise program
Starting an exercise program can sound like a daunting task but doing just a little each day can boost your health. Read this information sheet for tips to help you get started.
Walking & Exercising When You Have Gout
If you live with gout, this article from Creakyjoints provides tips for staying active after a flare.
Yoga for AS
Yoga for AS is an online video library designed for people living with axial spondyloarthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.